In spite of what the media may be saying or writing, wine sales are not going down and are suffering from what is plaguing everything else these days, inflation.
By Bennet Bodenstein
Gardening this past month in mid-Missouri has simply been wonderful owing to plentiful rain and mild temperatures.
By Susan Burch
Unless you have been away in Iceland, the south pole or living under a rock, you know that currently, the weather is hot. Very hot.
By Bennet Bodenstein
I feel guilty. I’ve done a bad, bad thing. And yet, I can’t say I wouldn’t do it all over again, given the opportunity.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist
Did you know that First Presbyterian Church in Warrensburg is a Matthew 25 Church? A Matthew 25 Church is a church committed to the ministry Jesus describes in the 25th chapter of Matthew’s gospel.
By Rev. Heather Jepsen
Warrensburg First Presbyterian Church
It’s been two years since the Sedalia Democrat moved into its current office on West Fourth Street. I think we still catch ourselves saying it’s our “new office” from time to time, even though we’ve more than made ourselves at home.
By Nicole Cooke
In 1977, when I was about 5 years old, my father bought a new Ford dump truck for his one-man landscaping business. It was big, green and loud. My 11-year-old brother Greg and I thought this was the greatest thing that could have ever happened to us.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist
It is finally here. We have waited months for it, hoping that it would come earlier, but Mother Nature has her own timetable and there is no rushing her. At last, it’s summer.
By Bennet Bodenstein
My last baby was born more than 17 years ago. I remember because I gagged nearly every day for nine months before she made her entrance into the world.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist
On one of those dark, rainy, miserable days, with all of my deadlines met, I decided to clean my desk. Much to my glee, I did not find any half-eaten sandwiches, winning lottery tickets or forgotten cups of coffee but, to my chagrin, I did find notes on wines that I wanted to write about but never did. I now present them to you with an apology for tardiness.
By Bennet Bodenstein
When driving through Warrensburg, I often observed a tall figure walking slowly but purposefully and felt comforted knowing that Larry was out birding. As his obituary concluded, Larry will be missed by those of us who knew him, and indeed, we all knew him as a “jolly good fellow.”
By Angela Palmer
Be wronged? What a crazy question! Why would I ever put myself in a position to be wronged? If I have the ability to get justice, particularly if I am personally impacted by someone else’s bad decisions, why in the world would I choose rather to be wronged?
By Shawn Benson
Senior Pastor, Harvest Church
After such a mild winter – if you could even call it winter – it seems like the spring and summer seasons started ages ago. However, summer is finally, officially upon us, with all its heat, humidity, and fun.
By Nicole Cooke
Disney executives are smart. We know this because they've created a destination called "the happiest place on Earth." Disney’s Magic Kingdom is North America's most visited theme park, drawing more than 16 million people toward Cinderella's Castle each year.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist
If you have read any of my columns, you must know that I never mention poor or inferior wines or vintages. The reason for that is simple: in today's modern scientific and super sanitary world, there are only rare instances of a bad wine.
By Bennet Bodenstein
Have you ever been in a hot tub at a hotel or resort? It can be a place to start up a conversation with someone new.
By Peter Norton
Senior Pastor, First United Methodist Church
It’s been a month since the Sedalia Democrat transitioned to a twice-weekly print schedule, and let me just say, it’s been quite the undertaking.
By Nicole Cooke
On May 17, exactly 33 years after I graduated high school, my baby girl turned her graduation tassel, too. Her service dog, Mac, dressed in a matching cap and gown, trotted along beside her as she crossed the stage to receive her diploma. They both graduated with honors, and Mac received the “seal of biliteracy” on his diploma because he is fluent in understanding both dogs and humans.
By Gwen Rockwood
Syndicated Columnist
Father's Day is rapidly approaching, and DOD (Dear Old Dad) deserves an exceptional gift. There is nothing that fits that description better than a deep, dark red wine. While the choice of a suitable red wine may be difficult and a mistake could be embarrassing, I would like to suggest some wines that DOD will enjoy while also complimenting you on the excellence of your choice.
By Bennet Bodenstein
It’s been a particularly lush green time of the year this spring, especially with the abundance of rain cooperating with the sun’s warm light and the soil’s nourishment. Many of us longed for this reality during the long, cold, and mostly greenless time of winter, but now that it’s here in full force and almost summer, we might be lamenting about how much there is to keep up with even as we’re rejoicing in the flourishing of flowers, fruits, and vegetables — not to mention shady, leafy trees!
By Joel Kurz
Pastor, Bethlehem Lutheran Church