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On my desk, there are three essential things – my laptop, a computer mouse, and a no-frills, lined pad of paper. Without the computer and mouse, nothing could get done. But without that humble pad of paper where I scribble my to-do list, I wouldn’t remember what needed doing in the first place. more
I have often been asked what my favorite wine is. I truly do not have a favorite wine. My having a favorite wine would be unfair to the readers and would definitely color my reviews. There are, however, varieties that are of interest to me, one among which is the pinot noir. I like that red wine variety for its smoothness, its multifaceted flavor and aroma spectrum and that faint hint of incense that is often found in the finish. more
Yes, you read that word right, and since it’s very close to the word Halloween, you might have thought it was supposed to be because they share the same root — which means “to make holy or consecrate.” About the only other time people use that word anymore is in the traditional beginning of the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed by Thy name.” While holy isn’t the first (or even 31st) thing that comes to most people’s minds in connection with Halloween, there it is, regardless. more
I’m trying to teach myself how to crochet (again). more
Autumn is a favorite season for many gardeners and there is still plenty to keep us busy. We have yet to have a killing frost, so many plants are continuing to produce, although slower. Those that need heat, such as tomatoes and peppers, will struggle to set new blossoms, and fruit will ripen slowly. Cooler-season crops like broccoli and spinach will enjoy the lower temperatures. more
Fame, glory, and self-exaltation are prevailing messages in our world. Displayed in movies, books, music and public discourse, the effects of this message – to exalt oneself above all else – can permeate our relationships with often devastating consequences. more
Rules, rules and more rules: there are rules for almost everything, some of which must be followed and some which should be followed. Wine is in the same class as there are rules on serving, pouring, storing, the bottle shape, the "proper” glasses, the stopper and on and on ad infinitum. more
Fall is my second favorite season. I love having my house opened up with the delicious fresh air and sounds of nature drifting through the windows. I love the crisp, cool mornings and the warm afternoon sun. I mourn the shrinking of long days and the fading of green, but the stretch of time that creates a landscape of fall color captivates me. more
It finally happened. After a stifling summer in the broiler, fall temperatures dipped to a crisp, cool 58 degrees. And that meant it was time for the annual changing of the closet. more
Have you ever taken an interest in Thomas Jefferson? Not because he was one of the founders of our country or even as our third President but as a wine lover who had dreams for the newly emerging country becoming a producer of fine wines. more
Jesus told the parable of two men who went up to the temple to pray. One was a Pharisee (considered by the people to be good) who prayed, “God, I thank you that I am not like other people — robbers, evildoers, adulterers — or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.” The other was a tax collector (considered by the people to be “bad”) who stood at a distance, beat his breast and said, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” (Luke 18:9-14 NIV). more
Over the past weekend, I commented to Darren that I had noticed a difference in the amount of hot water I was able to utilize at one time. If the washing machine or dishwasher is running, I tend to run out of hot water while taking a shower, which is a change. more
There. I said it. more
There are wines produced in all price ranges from the very affordable to the just barely affordable to the “if we don’t eat for a week, we can afford it.” The question must then arise, “Is the wine worth it?” more
It used to be a common acknowledgment that all have sinned. Of course, no one likes going around saying, “I’m a sinner.” The personal acknowledgment of sin is embarrassing and humbling. Even in the Church, people don’t actually like to confess their sins. Yet that is exactly what God says is required in order to find forgiveness! The Bible states it this way: “If we confess and forsake our sin, we will find forgiveness; but whoever hides their sin will not prosper.” more
Dear Ragweed, more
Just about the time that our clocks “fall back,” and the leaves on the trees are turning red or golden, we begin to think about the approaching end of the year celebrations of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year’s, and the grand get-togethers with family and friends. It is also the time of the year that we look to sparkling wines as our beverage of celebration and after all, what is a celebration without a sparkling beverage to brighten the occasion? more
Nearly 220 million American adults turn to their local newspapers regularly for news and information they need to stay informed, feel more connected to their neighbors and improve their lives and communities. more
I was getting ready to can homemade applesauce. Hair up, hands washed, kettle of water heating on the stove. I tied on the old apron I had picked up at Nostalgia Vintage and put my hand into the front pocket. more
Something very interesting has happened within the world of wines. The classical varieties of cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir and chardonnay have found two new champions. more
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