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Johnson County causes to support on Giving Tuesday


With the holiday gifting season officially underway, Giving Tuesday provides a chance to press pause on shopping and offer some help to local nonprofit organizations.

This year, Giving Tuesday is on Tuesday, Dec. 3. 

Refuge on Ming

Refuge on Ming is looking for volunteers for the extreme cold, as well as donors to help the organization get through the coldest part of the year. During the winter months, the refuge will be at its maximum occupancy most days and will be using resources at a rapid rate. In addition, Refuge on Ming can always take non-perishable food, warm socks and gloves. For more information, visit houseonahillfoundation.org or email houseonahillfoundation@gmail.com.


WILS operates in Warrensburg, Sedalia, and Warsaw, serving the counties of Benton, Henry, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis and Saline.

WILS assists those with disabilities in establishing independent living solutions. 

For more information, visit W-ILS.org and click the green “donate now’ button on the top right to donate.

Survival Adult Abuse Center

Survival Adult Abuse Center is in need of snacks, kid friendly cereal, sugar, powdered creamer, dinner sides, ZipLoc gallon bags, toilet paper, paper towels, toilet bowl cleaner, multi purpose cleaner, disinfectant spray, swifter mop dry pads/leaner, lamps, kid hygiene items, hair care products, self care items, charging blocks, earbuds/headphones, twin size comforters/quilts and crafting kits. 

Find an individual wishlist on Amazon at bit.ly/3ZwiJbA.

For more information, contact Survival, 137 E. Culton St. in Warrensburg, at 660-429-1088 or visit survivalhouse.org.

UCM Alumni Foundation

Individuals are invited to consider opportunities to support the greatest needs of University of Central Missouri students by making a gift to the Central Annual Fund on Giving Tuesday.

Help the Foundation unlock $65,000 in matching gifts from generous UCM alumni

For more information or to donate, visit ucmgives.org or call 660-543-8000.

Western Missouri Medical Center Foundation

On Giving Tuesday, make the choice to invest in the future of your local healthcare by making a donation to the Western Missouri Medical Center Foundation.

To contribute, visit the donation page at https://wmmc.com/foundation/.

Warrensburg Main Street

Warrensburg Main Street is a 501(c)3 nonprofit in the heart of Downtown Warrensburg that relies on donations from the community, businesses and individuals.

This holiday season, the organization is looking for investors who are willing to give a little or a lot to help keep the organization going. Money raised from investors ensures Main Street can host free community events, display local art, provide small businesses with free resources and keep downtown looking updated.

Donations can be given at warrensburgmainstreet.org/donate or checks can be mailed to 125c N. Holden St., Warrensburg, MO 64093 or call the Main Street office for other options.

For more information, contact 660-429-3988 or info@warrensburgmainstreet.org.

West Central Missouri Veterans Assistance League

The West Central Missouri Veterans Assistance League is the 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides quality-of-life programs to those who live at the Missouri Veterans Home in Warrensburg.

It is hosting its Tree of Stars program. Every $50 raised will allow VAL to purchase a Christmas present for one of the veterans who live there. Individuals, businesses and organizations may sponsor a dog tag that includes a message of inspiration. All of the dog tags will be placed on the Tree of Stars in the front lobby. Sponsorships range from $25 to $200. 

Cash or checks made payable to the Veterans Assistance League will be accepted. For more information, email Latisha.Koetting@mvc.dps.mo.gov.

Johnson County Adult Literacy Program

The Johnson County Adult Literacy Program provides adult students with volunteer tutors, learning supplies and books to help improve the literacy levels and lives of the people of Johnson County.

It serves the community by training volunteers to help students who want to improve their basic reading, writing and math skills, and those who are learning English as a second language. JCALP also assists adults who are attending the HiSet/GED class and adults studying for various tests for jobs.

For more information, contact JCALP at 660-429-5442 or coordinator@jcalp.org. Donations can be mailed to 432 N. Holden St., Warrensburg, MO 64093, or use the PayPal link at jcalp.org.

The Food Center

Donations assist The Food Center in providing supplemental food to low-income households in Johnson County. Planning a food drive or giving as little as $10 makes a difference by providing basic necessities to a household. 

Donations can be made once or monthly at www.thefoodcenter.org or by check mailed to PO Box 872, Warrensburg, MO 64093 or contact 660-747-6188.

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots Region 7 helps children in need in Johnson, Pettis, Henry, Lafayette, and Benton counties. The primary goal of Marine Toys for Tots is to help bring the joy of Christmas and send a message of hope to America's less fortunate children.

Appreciated forms of support are monetary donations, volunteering, gas gift cards and meal vouchers for the volunteers, services, waivers and discounts, warehouse and office supplies, advertisements, and other forms of support and services as needed.

Visit www.warrensburg-mo.toysfortots.org to donate online, volunteer, request a toy, or become a toy drop-off location. To discuss other forms of donations, call local coordinator Jerome Coleman at 773-683-4744.

Old Drum Animal Shelter

Old Drum Animal Shelter provides compassionate animal care to dogs and cats who have become lost or whose owners are no longer able to care for them.

The shelter’s financial resources go toward getting and keeping these pets healthy, both mentally and physically, with the ultimate goal of finding a loving, forever home. The team works together to provide enrichment opportunities, including playgroups, walks and belly scratches for dogs, and lots of hugs and toys for cats.

Donations may be made at olddrumanimalshelter.org or the Old Drum Animal Shelter Facebook page.


ECHO's (Early Childhood Hunger Operation) purpose is to provide bags of food for preschool children in the community who have been identified as at risk of food insecurity. For many of these children, ECHO’s bags are the only food they consume while away from school on the weekend.

ECHO is serving 160 children every week in Johnson County, distributing 400-500 pounds of food every week.

ECHO relies on donations and fundraising efforts to make those food bags possible. To make a tax-deductible donation to ECHO, visit www.echo4kids.com and click on the "donate now" tab.

Donations can also be sent to ECHO - Early Childhood Hunger Operation, PO Box 1082, Warrensburg, MO 64093.

Child Safe of Central Missouri

Child Safe, a Child Advocacy Center, has a mission to respond to and prevent child abuse, help families heal and restore childhood hope.

Child Safe is committed to serving children who are alleged victims of sexual abuse, severe physical abuse, exploitation and other traumatic events that involve a crime. The nonprofit provides advocacy for the child and their non-offending family members free of charge to the following counties: Pettis, Morgan, Henry, Saline, Chariton, Lafayette, Linn, Carroll, Johnson, Moniteau and Benton.

Child Safe of Central Missouri is a 501(c)3 and offers Champion for Children Tax Credits for donations over $100 per year. Visit childsafehouse.org and click the “Be a Hero” button to sign up for monthly or one-time giving.

Show-Me Christian Youth Home

Show-Me serves Pettis and Johnson counties with homes in La Monte and Knob Noster. Significant, positive memories build the resilience these kids need to overcome their unfortunate pasts and prepare for a healthy future.

Donors can help create memories that last a lifetime by giving gift cards or passes to special events, such as movies, bowling, sporting games, and other fun activities. Or stuff the kids' stockings with gift cards of $5 or $10 to allow each child to pick out a favorite treat.

Also, a variety of items to gift the families is available on Show-Me's Amazon Wish List at http://l.ead.me/ShowMeList, or find the latest needs at ShowMeHelpingKids.com. For more information, call 660-347-5982.

Cancer Perks

Cancer Perks helps provide simple, practical needs to people with cancer at Bothwell Regional Health Center, Fitzgibbon Hospital and Western Missouri Medical Center. Help includes gas mileage reimbursements for people traveling for radiation treatments, resources for people who need to get their lawns mowed, small bills paid or meals provided, and care packages for people undergoing chemotherapy or radiation.

Cancer Perks is hosting its annual Virtual Angel Tree on Facebook as part of its 12 Needs of Christmas campaign. Visit facebook.com/CancerPerks to learn more.

Warrensburg Schools Foundation 

The Warrensburg Schools Foundation invites you to purchase gift cards in support of its cause this holiday season.

 Simply go to the RaiseRight website and select from a variety of stores and restaurants. https://www.raiseright.com/enroll/CDGLTVQPNHYF

Every purchase helps the Foundation fund programs, grants, and opportunities that enhance experiences for students and staff members in Warrensburg schools.