ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDDERS MARSHALL HOUSING AUTHORITY PARKING LOT REPAIRS AND REPLACEMENT PWA Project No. 202435 Sealed Bids for Lump Sum Contract will be received by Marshall Housing Authority, 275 South Redman Marshall MO, 65340, no later than 2:00 p.m., Thursday, February 13, 2025. PROJECT: MARSHALL HOUSING AUTHORITY Parking Lot Project Documents available 01/22/2025 from ADS, Phone: 573-446-7768; Fax 573-355-5433 / for $100.00 refundable deposit made pay-able to Macon Housing Author-ity. Contract Documents will be on file for review at the office of the Housing Authority of the City of Macon, at the offices of Peckham & Wright Architects, Inc. and ADS. A list for Plan room locations is available by link through the ADS website. A pre-bid conference will be held at 2:00 p.m., Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at the Marshall Housing Authority, 275 South Redman Marshall MO, 65340. Contact for bidding procedural questions: Erik Miller, AIA, Peckham & Wright Architects, Inc., 2120 Forum Blvd Ste 101, Columbia, MO 65203 Phone: 573-449-2863 Fax: 573-442-6213 Email: Minority and/or women-owned businesses are encouraged to respond. 6x- 1/24,1/28,1/31,2/04,2/07, 2/11/2025